Implemented in 2018, the OCP Professors program aims to build, share, transfer, and promote the expertise found within OCP, internally as well as externally. It is a resource pool open to all employees and retired OCP staff wishing to pass on their knowledge, know-how or expertise for the benefit of OCP Group, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and our ecosystem.
Being a company of learners also means being a company of educators. When we have learned something, we must be able to pass it on. We will create OCP Professors in synergy with UM6P. An OCP Professor is any employee who has the vocation to be an educator or who wishes to share knowledge.
A program with many benefits
The OCP Professors program is part of our ambition to be a company of learners, where members learn from one another. This cross-seeding of knowledge fosters the emergence of new ideas that result in permanent adaptations to the environment, collective intelligence, and innovation.

- Make use of their expertise and belong to a recognized network;
- Grow personally and professionally;
- Contribute, in a spirit of citizenship, to the development of the national and regional economic and academic fabric.

- Maintain a link with the business world;
- Generational transmission of know-how;
- Support the upskilling of new generations.

- Enriches its academic curriculum through the unique expertise of practitioners;
- Promotes relationships between the industrial world and the world of education.

- Gives meaning to the work and commitment of all our employees;
- Share expertise across the OCP group and through time;
- Makes learning an important directive for career development.