As key players in a company of learners, our employees constantly seek to learn, develop, and share their knowledge independently, and have several innovative ways to undertake their learning and development:

the cornerstone of OCP’s company of learners, education, and innovation, which provides opportunities to each employee eager to deepen their knowledge and expertise and move from the business world to the world of research

At OCP, continuous development is essential: we encourage, facilitate, and organize developmental actions through various learning opportunities as part of a new training philosophy.

our internal dynamic for releasing employees’ potential that allows them to step out of their initial scope of work to initiate cross-disciplinary missions and projects, in an conductive environment to collective intelligence, teamwork, experimentation, entrepreneurship, and creativity.

a reflection of “OCP by OCP” learning, a program that allows any OCP employee or retired employee to transfer his or her know-how and expertise for the benefit of our internal and external ecosystem